Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Real Problem With Winter (it's pants)

I am so over winter, yup I’m saying it –I’m ready to let my boots collect dust.  We went from a super gray January to a white February.  Blindingly white.  I won’t complain about all of the snow like last time (FYI we got another 14” yesterday!) nope, today I am going to complain about what all this white stuff forces me to do:

Wear pants.

While I am lucky to be able to wear jeans at work I still feel trapped.  My legs are begging to break free from this denim prison.   Even now that I have my lovely space heater at the office wearing dresses and skirts is not easy.  Heels around snowdrifts – well it’s not pretty.  Sure I could wear my boots and change into my shoes but in all honesty I am way too lazy for that.  So here I sit, in my jeans – again. 

It’s not just my work wardrobe but my workout clothes too, I want to throw on a running skirt and bang out a 5K on my town loop but nope I am forced to wear my workout pants on the super boring treadmill.  I this swear is messing with my head, after about 20 minutes on there I am so bored I convince myself that I am too tired to keep my pace and once your head is out of a run your legs don’t matter.  20 minutes into a run outside and I am still a mile from my house so not running is just stupid.  Every snowflake that falls means I am even further away from finding a sidewalk let alone running on one.

So winter = pants and pants suck therefore winter sucks. 

38 days until spring.  26 days until daylight savings begins.  Hopefully not many more until we see our first 50 day, and when that happens (and the snow has melted away enough) you bet your ass I am wearing strappy sandals, I don’t care what the calendar says. 

1 comment:

  1. I am right there with you. Treadmill running is KILLING me! Even the few days it's gotten into the 30's and I could run outside, there's too much ice and snow everywhere. It's the worst. I want spring!
