Monday, December 29, 2014

Celebrating All Over the Place

Christmas is a busy time in most homes but in ours it’s a nonstop party.  Not really but there is never a shortage of things to celebrate.

On December 17th Addie turned 3!  She is really coming into her own too which is both amazing and annoying.  It is fun to be a fly on the wall with her and TC, TC is quickly learning that Addie isn’t the pushover little sister that she has been the past three years.  In the past TC could trade Addie all the toys in the playroom for a ball of lint.  Addie didn’t care that she got screwed she just knew that her sister gave her such a beautiful, perfect, amazing ball of lint!  TC still tries with the ridiculous trades but now Addie is smart enough to say no (but maybe not always smart enough not to hit her sister over the head with whatever toy was wanted – it’s a work in progress).  As a three year old I think she will do well, I really think this will be a great year for her, not for any reason in particular but having been observing her closely over the last three years I can see that she’s ready to pounce…on what I don’t know but I am sure she will do it with loads of giggles and possibly a finger in her nose.
The just out of bed birthday strut.
Next came Christmas and that was wonderful.  Christmas Eve at the in-laws…I could do without that but you do what you have to do I suppose but it was all worth for 6AM on Christmas morning.  Sitting on the floor watching the two most beautiful girls squeal with delight over a new pack of undies and they totally lose their minds when they biggest Christmas wishes were granted.   
Notice how TC is digging in and Addie is admiring the gift?
 As TC opened her Hobbit Lego set she kept saying “I told you I would get it Mom, I knew I would get it…it has Smaug, I told you! I got it!”   

And Addie trembling as she slowly opened a doll house almost as big as herself; it was enough to melt my cold cold heart.

On December 26th Will and I celebrated 9 years of marriage.  We celebrated by not doing anything at all, it was perfect.  The morning after he came down from bed and gave me a high five, “9 years and one day, we did it.” And that was about it.  I can’t help but think about where we were a year ago, I can’t believe we were able to pull ourselves out of a pit so deep that we couldn’t see daylight.  While things aren't always perfect and he’s still not back to his old self I can say with confidence that we are happy.  If I may quote Sex and the City (and I may because it’s my blog) “every day, not all day every day but every day” we are happy every day. 

This week we will usher in a New Year, I am so excited to see what is in store for us in 2015.  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, I truly do and I want to thank you again for all of your support these last few years, here and on twitter and all over.  Even when I was feeling so utterly alone I knew I wasn’t and that got me through so much.  Thank you.

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