Sunday, May 4, 2014

Me As A Working Mom

I started looking for work as soon as I moved home, it seemed impossible.  All I wanted was something to help pay the bills and allow for a little flexibility - you know, in case Will ever gets seen by the VA.  I applied all over the place but nothing.  I went on an interview at one well known insurance company (quack quack) but I wasn't impressed with the pay structure or the way they go about getting business.  I was actually told I would do well at auto body shops and places like that if I wore tight skirts and flirted!  Thanks but no.

When another insurance company came a calling I was very against the idea, paying for a class, paying for my license, commission would be a gamble.  Will convinced me it was time to invest in myself again.  I liked the company, the lead structure the pay structure, it seemed like it could work as long as I put in the work.  I did and got my license in February. 

I sell life insurance, a really good product.  I feel good about what I do, when I leave a home I know that they family I just signed up has done something amazing for those they will leave behind someday.  And if a family doesn't buy for whatever reason I leave knowing that they now know more about life insurance and hopefully in the future they will be sure their family is protected.  I even set myself up with a really nice policy, unfortunatly Will is uninsurable - I wish I had thought about that possibility when I thought the army insuance would be good enough - you know were were going to be lifers.

I am doing pretty well for myself, I was just promoted to a supervising agent and will soon be leading my own team of new hires.  It's very exciting and surprising, I was the "I'll NEVER do sales" girl and now I am handing out my card everywhere I go.  It feels good to be financially contributing to the family again, I haven't heard "with whos money" in a very long time.

The hours are taking some getting used to, I meet with families so I don't start my appointments unit 3 in the afternoon, my last can be as late as 9PM.  I have appointments Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday nights and Saturday mornings.  On Monday and Thursday I am in the office making phone calls and in meetings from 12-9.  I also work some Sundays, in fact I have to go to an appointment in a few hours today.  Working at night means I get to spend a lot of time with the girls since they aren't in school.  I think we are going to forgo preK for TC because it would mean we never see each other.  I love that I get so much time with them as a working mom but it also means I am mom from 6AM-3PM then I start my working day.  When I get home I am too tired to really have any me time at all.  It's hard but I know how lucky I am to get my mornings so I try not to complain.

Will has been the stay at home dad thing and it's going pretty well.  I 'm pretty sure he now gets everything I was trying to say for all those years that I was home with kids.  It is really hard for me to let go of control, how I want things done with them but it's not my job anymore. 

Since I've started working I haven't had time to get to the gym, I haven't gone in weeks and I HATE it.  Will really guilts me every time I want to take an hour to get there.  I need to get over that guilty feeling, it does the girls a lot of good to see me taking time to better myself and stay healthy.

But that's pretty much what I've been up to.  Selling policies and changing diapers.

1 comment:

  1. Will can get life insurance through the VA, it's called VGLI. We just applied for some whole life for Bryan in addition to VGLI, but not sure if he will get approved. Sounds like things are going well.
